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Apr 28, 20233 min read
Exploring the Universe with Ai the planet Bonda made with a text to image, photos Colombian Jungle
I recently went on a vacation with my wife to a small verda off the coast of Santa Marta, Colombia. As I spent time in Bonda with my...
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Dec 9, 20222 min read
LSTM Google Stock Prediction part 2 -Seasonal Decomposition Time SeriesLevel 2, 22 minutes
In our second part of the LSTM stock prediction using Tensorflow. Now that we have our deep learning model with LSTM recurrent layer set...
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Dec 9, 20222 min read
Python Stock Market Prediction with LSTM Neural Network Guided Project Part 1, Level 1, 18 min
In this Python deep learning project, we set up our LSTM neural network with Tensorflow in an attempt to get rich and predict the stock...
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Nov 27, 20221 min read
Showcase of dataArt
showcase of dataArt made with artificial intelligence. These are made with some called a diffusion deep learning model. Matias del...
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Nov 18, 20221 min read
LSTM stock prediction deep learning guided project Part 3 - level 5, 29 min
in the 3rd part of our stock market prediction using the LSTM layer to predict google stock. use TensorFlow and build a neural network...
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Nov 16, 20221 min read
The Art of Data Science showcase
showcase of dataArt generated with artificial intelligence by Matias del campo. Join the Art of Data Science community and share your...
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